A brief overview of a Technical File

During the CE marking process, it is an important requirement to prepare and maintain a Technical File for the product in question and show evidence of conformity.

A Technical File should detail the following:

-Product Development

-The decisions made regarding the product

-Product progression: concept to final design

The essential requirements of a Technical File can be located in the annex of The Product Directive.

What makes up a Technical File?

-An overall overview of the product and a general description of application/functions.

-Clear diagrams of circuits, bill of materials and constructive drawings that include any calculations, test results performed in the product development stage.

-Any risk assessments that have been performed and risks identified with corrective actions that mitigate any hazardous events – justifications of hazards cannot be reduced.

-The list of standards and directive that have been applied as part of the conformity assessment process.

-Copies of technical reports, e.g. EMC and product safety.

-A copy of user and installation instructions to ensure safe use of product.

-A signed copy of the Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity.

Who needs to see the Technical File?

Your Technical File MUST be made readily available to all relevant authorities of the Member States for at least 10 years after the last manufactured date.

At Cranage EMC & Safety, we have assisted with many Manufacturers, Importers and Distributors (EU & Non-EU) with the Technical File requirements and have a range of services to meet your needs, such as:

-Help to prepare for a Technical File.

-A Technical File review.

-Preparation assistance of a Declaration of Conformity for the Manufacturers to sign.


Q: Why do I need a Technical File?

A: As an EU Manufacturer, you or an appointed authorised representative must compile a Technical File for each product that is placed on the market. This is a legal requirement and is determined by the relevant European Product Directive. It is imperative that you demonstrate how your product complies with all relevant Directives, this can be demonstrated with documentation, calculations, risk assessments, drawings and test report. Bear in mind this is not just as a new product, it must be compliant and safe throughout operational life within all specified environmental conditions – our experience in reviewing such documents for Manufacturers has highlighted this is normally a short fall when compiling a technical file.

Q: Who needs to see my Technical File?

A: The EU Manufacturer (or appointed authorised representative) must be able to provide the Technical File to any European Market Surveillance Authority (MSA), upon request and within a reasonable timeframe. Refusal or failure to do so may result in the MSA to completely remove your product from the market until you prove compliance within the required Directive accordingly.